Upcoming Events
The CA IV is happy to announce different projects are being funded within the 2023-2024 support scheme.
2023 and 2024

Digital Images: Visual Cultures, Algorithms, and Ethical Challenges

Symposium: Roberto Schwarz Beyond Borders

Workshop “Eco-temporalities and Geo-politics”

Workshop "Gender, Work, and Service in Late Medieval Europe"

Workshop "Widerstand und Kontroversität im Kontext gesellschaftlichen Wandels"

Research Cooperation with Patricio Simonetto

Research Cooperation with Julia Leyda

Research Cooperation with Adrián Márquez Rabuñal

“Do no harm!” – Reflections on identity, accountability, and engagement

Widerstand und Kontroversität im Kontext gesellschaftlichen Wandels

Die Rezeption antiker Frauengestalten im modernen Maghreb

Co-Teaching mit Partnern im Globalen Süden