Delta Welten: Leben im unsteten Wandel (27.09.19-05.01.20)
Mapping the Unmappable (05.-06.12.2019)
Jornada de literatura argentina Colonia (22.10.2019)
Connecting Resonances: Sonic Perspectives from the Global South (27.09.2019)
Stories that matter: exploring (re)presentation and communication of hydrosocial research (25.-27.09.2019)
“Being free means singing freely” – political songs in Poland and Germany (24.-26.09.2019)
Cologne Summer School of Interdisciplinary Anthropology (CSIA) IV: “Beyond Humanism: Cyborgs – Animals – Data Swarms” (23.-27.09.2019)
"Including - Excluding" (12.-14.09.2019)
"Aventiure: Ereignis und Erzählung" (05.-07.09.2019)
"Empirical Research on Cyprus: Anthropological, Cultural and Historical Perspectives" (17.-18.07.2019)
"Museum Collections in Motion. Colonial and Postcolonial Encounters. (15-17 July, 2019)
"Representing Networks - Past and Present" (05.-06.06.2019)