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January 11, 2018

Guest lecture: “Writing Sensory Ethnography”

12 - 1.30 pm: Seminar „Sensorische Ethnografie: Nachbarschaftsqualität im urbanen Raum“ by Dr. Ala R. Alhourani, University of the Western Cape, South Africa

6 - 8 pm: Filmscreening and Discussion: „Ethics of Religion in and of Long Street, Cape Town“ with Dr. Ala R. Alhourani

VENUE: Hörsaal F (Hörsaalgebäude), University of Cologne




January 16, 2018 | 6pm

Filmscreening and Discussion: „Chanthaly“

Film by Mattie Do Laos 2012, ’98 minutes

A sickly young woman is visited by visions of her dead mother. Desperately, she tries to find out if the symptoms are simply side effects of her daily medication, or if her mother actually reaches for her from the afterlife ... „Chanthaly“ is considered the first Laotian horror film and caused a sensation at several film festivals. It throws light on generational conflicts in present-day Laos and the uncanny presence of various ghost beings in Lao everyday religiosity. From the ethnological perspective, the ensuing podium discussion will focus on the tensions between tradition and modernity in Laotian society as well as the special role of ghost faith. 

Discussion with: 

• Patrice Ladwig (Max Planck Institute for - the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen) • Michael Kleinod (Department of Southeast Asian Studies, University of Bonn) • Oliver Tappe (Global South Studies Center, University of Cologne)

VENUE: Turistarama Kino Mauritiussteinweg 102 50676 Köln


February 1-2, 2018

Workshop: Africa-China/ China-Africa Mobilities

SPEAKERS: Manon Diederich (UoC), Sarah Hanisch (UoC), Kejie Huang (SYSU), Severin Kaji (UoC), Lai Pik Chan (UoC), Lin, Dan (SYSU), Tian Chen (UWC/UCT), Zhang Hong (SYSU)

VENUE: Internationales Kolleg Morphomata Weyertal 59 50937 Köln (rear building, entrance to the left)For schedule and further information please consult:




Prof. Michaela Pelican (Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne)
Dr. Oliver Tappe (Global South Studies Center, University of Cologne)

Caterina Reinker (Filmscreening and Guest Lecture)
Eva Lena Richter (Workshop)

Further Information